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I am Christian Hartmann, nature photographer, based in the beautiful colonial city of Antigua Guatemala. I grew up between the stunning Austrian Alps and the magestic volcanoes of Guatemala. How could I not become a nature lover?!?

Since I was little I have had a close relationship with nature, my mother took us to the rivers and mountains, my father took us to active volcanoes. That curiosity to explore the forest behind my house before I could even read and write transformed into the curiosity to explore the most spectacular corners of the world!


In 2012, during my architecture studies, I bought my first camera and discovered my great passion for photography, since that moment it has accompanied me everywhere. I have camped on active volcanoes at almost 4000m high; I have camped in the alps with a meter of snow at -15 C and I have walked 100km in the tropical forests of the Mayan biosphere. My camera has accompanied me everywhere to capture the beauty and fragility of our planet, inspiring others to appreciate and protect our natural environment. I try to let my photos speak for me, transmitting the feeling of being there and raising awareness about the importance of preserving our common home, the Earth.

Since 2019 I am a full time photograher. I have had the honor of representing Guatemala in the World Photographic Cup on several occasions and being the protagonist in a CNN mini documentary showing the wonders of Guatemala through my lens. I have given talks at universities and photography clubs and my work have been published in various media in several countries throughout America and Europe...

...but what I like most is going out into nature to live these unforgettable experiences, waiting for the perfect moment to capture these magical landscapes and their fascinating wildlife. Sharing these moments with other people passionate about photography and nature has enriched me a lot. Since 2020 I have been organizing workshops in the field, creating these adventurous photographic experiences. I've been doing this for several years now and in total I've passed 100 participants, but I feel like it's just the beginning. I really want to take you to photograph the most impressive places in the world and together add our grain of sand to taking care of this treasure. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me more, I hope to meet you soon!

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